Sunday, April 10, 2011

Summary table of conversion factors

x means 'multiply by'
/ means 'divide by'
# means it is an exact value
All other values given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

To change . .into . .do this . .To change . .into . .do this . .
acreshectaresx 0.4047kilogramsouncesx 35.3
acressq. kilometers/ 247kilogramspoundsx 2.2046
acressq. metersx 4047kilogramstonnes/ 1000 #
acressq. miles/ 640 #kilogramstons (UK/long)/ 1016
barrels (oil)cu. meters/ 6.29kilogramstons (US/short)/ 907
barrels (oil)gallons (UK)x 34.97kilometersmetersx 1000 #
barrels (oil)gallons (US)x 42 #kilometersmilesx 0.6214
barrels (oil)litersx 159literscu. inchesx 61.02
centimetersfeet/ 30.48 #litersgallons (UK)x 0.2200
centimetersinches/ 2.54 #litersgallons (US)x 0.2642
centimetersmeters/ 100 #literspints (UK)x 1.760
centimetersmillimetersx 10 #literspints (US liquid)x 2.113
cubic cmcubic inchesx 0.06102metersyards/ 0.9144 #
cubic cmliters/ 1000 #meterscentimetersx 100 #
cubic cmmillilitersx 1 #mileskilometersx 1.609
cubic feetcubic inchesx 1728 #millimetersinches/ 25.4 #
cubic feetcubic metersx 0.0283ouncesgramsx 28.35
cubic feetcubic yards/ 27 #pints (UK)litersx 0.5683
cubic feetgallons (UK)x 6.229pints (UK)pints (US liquid)x 1.201
cubic feetgallons (US)x 7.481pints (US liquid)litersx 0.4732
cubic feetlitersx 28.32pints (US liquid)pints (UK)x 0.8327
cubic inchescubic cmx 16.39poundskilogramsx 0.4536
cubic incheslitersx 0.01639poundsouncesx 16 #
cubic meterscubic feetx 35.31
To change . .into . .do this . .To change . .into . .do this . .
square cmsq. inchesx 0.1550
feetcentimetersx 30.48 #square feetsq. inchesx 144 #
feetmetersx 0.3048 #square feetsq. metersx 0.0929
feetyards/ 3 #square inchessquare cmx 6.4516 #
fl. ounces (UK)fl. ounces (US)x 0.961square inchessquare feet/ 144 #
fl. ounces (UK)millilitersx 28.41square kmacresx 247
fl. ounces (US)fl. ounces (UK)x 1.041square kmhectaresx 100 #
fl. ounces (US)millilitersx 29.57square kmsquare milesx 0.3861
gallonspintsx 8 #square metersacres/ 4047
gallons (UK)cubic feetx 0.1605square metershectares/ 10 000 #
gallons (UK)gallons (US)x 1.2009square meterssquare feetx 10.76
gallons (UK)litersx 4.54609 #square meterssquare yardsx 1.196
gallons (US)cubic feetx 0.1337square milesacresx 640 #
gallons (US)gallons (UK)x 0.8327square mileshectaresx 259
gallons (US)litersx 3.785square milessquare kmx 2.590
gramskilograms/ 1000 #square yardssquare meters/ 1.196
gramsounces/ 28.35tonneskilogramsx 1000 #
gramsgrainsx 15.43
grainsgrams/ 15.43
hectaresacresx 2.471tonnestons (UK/long)x 0.9842
hectaressquare km/ 100 #tonnestons (US/short)x 1.1023
hectaressquare metersx 10000 #tons (UK/long)kilogramsx 1016
hectaressquare miles/ 259tons (UK/long)tonnesx 1.016
hectaressquare yardsx 11 960tons (US/short)kilogramsx 907.2
inchescentimetersx 2.54 #tons (US/short)tonnesx 0.9072
inchesfeet/ 12 #yardsmetersx 0.9144 #

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